
Pharmacy shops typically stock a variety of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, which are medications that can be purchased without a prescription. These drugs are intended for the treatment of common, self-diagnosable medical conditions. Not all drugs should be used over-the-counter (OTC). It is important to remember that OTC drugs are intended for the treatment of self-diagnosable, mild medical conditions. Prescription drugs, on the other hand, require a doctor's supervision and are intended for the treatment of more severe medical conditions.

The decision to make a drug available OTC is usually based on several factors, including the drug's safety profile, the severity of the condition it is intended to treat, and its potential for abuse or misuse. The regulatory authorities of the country evaluate drugs to determine which ones can be sold OTC.

Some drugs may have potentially serious side effects, require close monitoring, or interact with other medications. These drugs may not be suitable for OTC use and may require a prescription.

In summary, the decision to use a drug OTC should be made in consultation with a healthcare professional. It is essential to follow the recommended dosage and usage instructions carefully and to seek medical advice if symptoms persist or worsen.

Here are some common examples of OTC drugs that are commonly available at pharmacy shops:

Overall, OTC drugs are a convenient and cost-effective way to manage common health conditions. However, it is essential to use them safely and as directed. If you have any questions or concerns about OTC drugs, you can always consult with a pharmacist or physician for advice.

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